Monday, October 27, 2008

Birthday Wishes

Melissa and I recently spoke at a conference for the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) of Suffolk County. This was an amazing experience. We had dinner with Representative Tim Bishop, who was also speaking at the event. We stood in front of 200 people and talked about BULA's past and, more importantly, its future.

The support was overwhelming. Countless teachers approached us to brain storm ideas on how to get their classrooms involved with BULA.

We inspired so many teachers to care about our cause, but I was inspired by one second grade teacher who told me about a year long project that he does with his students. Each year, his students write every world leader a birthday card. These 9 year old children ask these leaders to please, on their birthdays, make a wish for world peace. I was moved by his dedication and unique idea to teach young students about the world around them.

I cannot wait to hear what wonderful ideas come from next week when we present BULA to 200 teachers and union representatives from Nassau County.

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